May 2024 Sunday services are at our Haddam Campus
An Open & Affirming Congregation

Haddam Area Refugee Resettlement Project(HaRRP) is in full swing!

To donate by check (made out to HaRRP), send to: United Congregational Church of Haddam and Higganum, PO Box 215, Haddam, CT 06438.

The Higganum Congregational Church and The First Congregational Church of Haddam started HaRRP in 2022. Working with IRIS (Integrated Refugee and Immigrant Service), HaRRP completed the application process and became a co-sponsor to a refugee family from Afghanistan in the fall of 2022.

Refugee families who arrive from overseas come to the U.S. with virtually no material possessions. They have lost homes, friends, family, country, culture, and jobs. Most do not speak any English. They have no income, and many are victims of trauma, with physical or mental health needs. As great as their initial needs are, their potential to enrich our community is even greater.

IRIS of New Haven is one of two agencies in Connecticut, and about 200 across the US, which empowers refugees and immigrants to become self-sufficient and integrated into their new communities.

In co-sponsorship, IRIS delegates most resettlement tasks to the co-sponsor. We will secure affordable housing, collect furniture and other household items, and help refugees access public benefits (for eligible families). Co-sponsors also enroll children in school, facilitate job searches, and perform other necessary tasks.

It may be hard to imagine how devastated we would be if our own lives were torn apart so drastically that we had to flee with nothing but the clothes on our backs. We can feel fear or discomfort with people from other cultures whose ways are different from our own. However, HaRRP wants to find ways our community can take direct action so that we in the Haddam area will know our hearts are stronger than our fears.

Many churches, synagogues, mosques and non-faith-based community groups have already answered the call to help refugees resettle throughout Connecticut. In fact, several groups in the area have welcomed families in recent months including Portland Refugee Resettlement Group, The Valley Stands Up, and the groups from Ledyard and Lyme, to name a few. The need continues to grow, and we are ready to do our part in the effort.

On January 1, 2023, HaRRP’s two founding churches became one: The United Congregational Church of Haddam and Higganum. With the merger of the churches, there is an even stronger bond with each other and with our dedication to HaRRP.

Join Us!

You can add your name to the list of volunteers, get as involved as your time allows and/or support the effort with your donations.

For more information contact us at [email protected].

To donate by check (made out to HaRRP), send to: United Congregational Church of Haddam and Higganum, PO Box 215, Haddam, CT 06438.